Working with Boards

Working with Boards

Sadly, the halls of philanthropic enterprises are littered with otherwise talented professionals who fail to master the art of working with their boards.  My years of experience as a CEO and a coach have taught me that there are a number of key components that are essential for executives to know about partnering with governance. Absent effective working relationships an organization’s long-term success is far from certain. Clarifying roles and boundaries, developing a system for effective communication and creating a culture in which to manage conflict lie at the heart of what it takes to assure effective board-staff relations.

In addition, many executives often ask:

  • What’s the best way to deal with a difficult board chair?
  • How do I get my board to take their fundraising responsibilities seriously?
  • What happens when a trustee goes “rogue?”
  • How should I handle veteran leaders who have been around a very long time?
  • What are best practices regarding Bylaws, term limits, and conflicts of interest?
  • What should I do about “founder’s syndrome?”
  • How can I maximize the talents of my board members without allowing them to micromanage my staff or me?

Understanding how to share power and responsibility with your board is critical to the success of the agency and to your professional future. I am intimately acquainted with these challenges, and more importantly, I can help you navigate the often very rough seas on which you are asked to sail.

Hal Lewis talking with manHal Lewis talking with woman